Obstetrics at National Women's Health, Auckland City Hospital

6 or 12 month post.

December and June start dates.


Experience management of routine and high risk obstetric cases, elective and emergency caesarean sections, as well as acute pain rounds, pre-operative and high-risk antenatal anaesthetic clinics.

Allow development of a consultant approach to patient assessment and conduct of anaesthesia.

Opportunity to develop teaching and research skills.

Full time post with approx 1 evening per week

Occasional weekend as the on-call consultant (with consultant supervision) possible, supervising resident ANZCA trainees.

2 sessions per week allocated to non-clinical work for audit, research, teaching

Attend weekly department meeting to discuss complex cases.

Teaching of ANZCA trainees, medical students and other healthcare profesisonals.

Expected to present at one multidisciplinary grand round during the year. Required to develop research or audit project and present at local, national or international congress.

Involvement in management projects, updating and developing guidelines and protocols.

7000 deliveries per year, 50% labour epidural, 1/3 caesarean section.


Contact: Dr Matthew Drake

Telephone: (+64) 9 367 0000 ext 25026

Email: matthewd@adhb.govt.nz

Further information: http://www.oaa-anaes.ac.uk/UI/Content/Content.aspx?ID=2396