Regional Anaesthesia at University of Maryland

12 month post

Salary $59,858


Full-time fellowship position. Time divided between University of Maryland Medical Center Main Campus, the Shock Trauma Center and the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute (UMROI).

Main Campus and Shock Trauma Center: Fellows provide all types of regional anaesthesia including lumbar plexus, paravertebral, serratus/pec and cranial nerve blocks.

UMROI: Busy total joint and outpatient sports medicine prictices. Peripheral nerve catheters used frequently.

Fellows will perform or supervise residents performing around 1500 blocks per year.

Fellows receive one day per week non-clinical time and two months elective time. Expected to engage in research or quality improvement project with the aim of publication or presentation.

Twice annual cadaver dissection programme.

Regular didactic lectures and journal clubs.


Contact: Taryn Webb

Telephone: (+1) 410 328 1239


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