Hong Kong Fellowship
12-24 month programme.
We invite applications from recently qualified anaesthetic specialists or post Final FRCA trainees from the UK.
Experienced doctors who are not fully registered with the Medical Council of Hong Kong may apply. The selected candidate would be recruited as Service Resident for Experienced Doctors without full registration, and is expected to provide clinical and patient care related services, and to undertake advanced level training in anaesthesia simultaneously.
Salary: HK$71,219 to HK$144,604 per month (including Monthly Allowance)
Salary to be offered will be commensurate with relevant experience and qualification of the selected candidate. Incremental Credit for Experience (ICE) may be granted based on completed years of relevant and comparable experience subject to documentary proof provided by candidates and management’s approval.
Training Design
The Fellowship Programme will be set up as a 12-month or 24-month training programme.
The training component will be overseen by an Educational Supervisor (ES), who is familiar with the UK training curriculum. Based on the Fellowship Trainees’ interest and department’s training list availabilities, training module will be confirmed.
Potential training modules on offer include Regional Anaesthesia; Complex Orthopaedic Surgery; Major General; Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery; Vascular; Complex Airway; Obstetrics; Thoracic; Neurosurgery, all of which can be arranged as a stand-alone module, as a combination of two, or incorporated with Perioperative Medicine, Quality Improvement (QI), Research and/or Education modules. In addition to regular training lists, the Fellowship Trainees will be expected to attend weekly Continue Medical Education (CME) meetings and exchange their experience with local trainees. They will also be encouraged to participate in QI or research projects.
Preferred Attributes/ Exposure
Attained a qualification comparable to the Fellowship of the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists, e.g. Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) of the UK;
Possessed relevant clinical experience as a post-internship registered medical practitioner, and currently/ previously enrolled in an anaesthetic specialist training programme recognized by the country of practising Medicine, e.g. the Royal College of Anaesthetists of the UK; and
Proficiency in English (Proficiency in Cantonese is not required)
Please contact Dr Frankie Ng, Anaesthesia Fellowship Programme Coordinator and Associate Consultant in Tuen Mun Hospital at (ngfk@doctors.org.uk) for more information.