Obstetrics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Maryland

6-12 month post (1-2 positions available)

Salary $120,000 - 150,000

Applications July 1st - September 30th


Hospital serves a diverse population with complex health issues and a mix of normal and high risk pregnancies.

4000 deliveries per year, 75% receive anaesthesia intervention.

Fellows will receive daily teaching, monthly journal club and regular maternal foetal medicine conferences. Fellows will be encouraged to lead these sessions and will also participate in the education of the anesthesiology residents.

Research opportunities available.


Contact: Gillian Isaac

Telephone: (+1) 410 955 5608

Email: gnewman3@jhmi.edu

Further information: http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/anesthesiology/educational/training/obstetric_anes.shtml