1) Vascular at RFH
1-2 posts
6 mths
Mostly internal fellowship (but others encouraged to apply)
Tertiary centre for complex aortic work, a combination of endovascular and open procedures, peripheral revascularisation, carotid endarterectomy and venous surgery. Active vascular research department with a focus on PBM.
On call on the general rota and covering ruptured AAA service.
For more information contact n.schofield@nhs.net
Please also see research fellowship at the RFH
2) Aortovascular Fellowship RFH and Barts
1 post
12 months
Mostly internal fellowship (but others encouraged to apply)
Fellowship split between endovascular lists performing TEVAR/FEVAR at the Royal Free Hospital and complex aortic work at Barts.
Gain experience in the management high risk complex aortic procedures.
Active research departments with dedicated research time whilst at Barts.
On call rota: general rota whilst at RFH and senior rota (depending on experience) at Barts
For more information contact n.schofield@nhs.net (RFH)